

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


靠谱买球app推荐 is concerned about the safety of all students. The following procedure has been developed in order to assist in locating 靠谱买球app推荐 student(s) living and working on the farm—located at 5503 Hammond Avenue, 滑铁卢, Iowa-who, based on facts and circumstances known to the College, 确定失踪了吗.

This procedure is in compliance with Section 488 of the Higher Education Act of 2008.

Most missing person reports in the college environment result from a student changing his/her routine without informing his/her roommates and/or friends of the change. Anyone who believes a student to be missing should report their concern to campus 公共安全, to local law enforcement (Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Office, 滑铁卢警察局, 锡达福尔斯警察局, 例如), or to 教务长 in the 学生 Services office. Every report made will be followed up with an immediate investigation once a student has been missing for 24 hours.

Depending on the circumstances presented to 靠谱买球app推荐 officials, parents of a missing student will be notified. In the event that parental notification is necessary, 教务长 or his/her designee will place the call. For students under 18 and not emancipated, Hawkeye will notify a parent/guardian in addition to any additional contact person designated by the student.

At the beginning of each academic year, residential students will be asked to provide, 以自愿为基础, contact information in the event he/she is reported missing while enrolled at 靠谱买球app推荐. This information will be kept in 教务长 office and in 公共安全 and will remain confidential.


  1. The 靠谱买球app推荐 administrator receiving the report will collect and document the following information at the time of the report:
    1. The name and relationship of the person making the report.

    2. The date, time, and location the missing student was last seen.

    3. The general routine or habits of the suspected missing student (e.g. 拜访住在校外的朋友, working a job away from campus) including any recent changes in behavior or demeanor.

    4. The missing student’s cell phone number (if known by the reporter).

  2. The Hawkeye administrator receiving the report will contact the Vice President of 学生 Affairs, 教务长, 教务长, and 公共安全 in order to update them on the situation and to receive additional consultation. They will determine if/when other members of the Cabinet and the director of marketing need to be contacted.

  3. Upon notification from any entity that a student may be missing, Hawkeye may use any or all of the following resources to assist in locating the student.

    1. 给学生的房间打电话.

    2. 去学生的房间.

    3. Talk to the student’s roommates to see if anyone can confirm the missing student’s whereabouts and/or confirm the date, time, and location the student was last seen.

    4. Secure a current student ID or other photo of the student from a friend.

    5. Call/text the student’s cell phone and call any other numbers on record.

    6. 给学生发一封电子邮件.

    7. Check all possible locations mentioned by the parties above including, 但不限于, 图书馆, 休息室, 学生会, 健身中心, 等.

    8. Contact or call any other on-campus or off-campus friends or contacts that are made known. This could include checking a student’s social networking sites such as MySpace, 脸谱网, 和推特.

    9. Ascertain the student’s car color, make, model, and license plate number. 公共安全 will also check Hawkeye parking lots for the presence of the student’s vehicle.

  4. The technology staff may be asked to obtain email logs in order to determine the last login and/or access of the Hawkeye network.

  5. Once all information is collected and documented and the 院长/Vice President of 学生 Affairs (or designee) are consulted 靠谱买球app推荐 staff may contact the local police to report the information. (Note: If in the course of gathering information as described above, foul play is evident or strongly indicated, the police can be contacted immediately.)



靠谱买球app推荐中心 216




靠谱买球app推荐中心 218


靠谱买球app推荐中心 228
319-296-2329 ext.1282

Director, 公共安全 and Emergency Management

靠谱买球app推荐中心 216

Executive Director of Human Resource Services

靠谱买球app推荐中心 101
